I’m so happy you’re with us again today.
Lots of things to look forward to: delights and challenges (another word for problems). We’ve had some challenges so far, but nothing that we haven’t been able to fix. I told you that we have two pets: a dog, Fiesta, and a cat, Calypso.
If you know anything about cats, you know that most of them are not very good travelers. I have had a few that liked to travel, but most have not. My Calypso is one that does not like to travel. She likes her home, her environment, her own place. She resists change.
Additionally, we asked the owner of the AirBnB if she would allow our little dog. No problem there. We didn’t ask about Calypso. Many people are allergic to cats. She may not want a cat to stay there. It’s also difficult to get them into hotels.
So, I decided not to take her to Scotland with me. But I have a wonderful alternative. I have a friend in Miami who rescues cats. She has between five and nine at any given time. She is experienced in helping a kitty integrate into a household with multiple cats. She is also experienced in helping her kitties accept a new cat.
I took Calypso to her house a few weeks ago, as I was kitty sitting for her when she had to go out of town. It was an interesting visit; and not very productive. Calypso spent most of her time on the bed behind the pillows, hissing and complaining. Refusing to eat or make friends.
Yesterday, my friend came and took Calypso home. The report this morning tells me that she is not hissing and that she ate her dinner last night. Maybe she is doing better with me not there. It was a hard decision; I will miss her. But it is only for six months.
Now Fiesta. She is a long-haired chihuahua-Papillion mix. She’s tiny; five pounds, four ounces, Black and white. Adorable. Everyone loves her at first sight. Plus, dogs are allowed in the pubs! But, although the dogs no longer have to go into quarantine, she presents other challenges.
The UK has a rule that dogs cannot fly into the country in the cabin of the airplanes. They have to go as cargo. Well, Fiesta is more or less afraid of loud noises, strange places, new people, her own shadow. So there is no way we would put her in the hold of the plane. Anne, the worrier, was afraid that we would have to leave her behind for our adventure. I said , “No. We can figure this out.”
So, after some investigation, we have met that challenge. I will be sharing the results of my investigation and how we are getting Fiesta into Scotland in the next post.
Actually, Fiesta has her own blog. She’s telling about this adventure from her point of view. Check it out. http://www.fiestasbigadventure.com.
Join us in a few days. Until then, stay happy. Never let them tell you something can’t be done. There is always a way.
As usual, we welcome your comments. You could share an experience you have had traveling with your cat.
Thank you for visiting with us,