Hello and welcome back.
It seems as if Spring has come to Cullen, Moray, Scotland, UK. And with it, warm weather. The temperatures this week have been between 59° and 62° F, or between 15° and 17° C. Very warm for here in February.
Daffodils Crocus
But it’s not the flowers that make this a week of firsts. With the weather as warm as it has been, I have made a few changes. This is the first time since I have been in Scotland that:
- I didn’t put on long underwear first thing in the morning.
2. I didn’t automatically put on my heavy, alpaca sweater with the zipper under my coat.
3. I didn’t have to plug in the electric heater on my bed.
4. I didn’t have to warm up the bathroom before I took a shower .
In fact it was so warm today that Anne and I decided to walk up the beach, past the golf course, over the hill to the next town, Findocty. We have gone through it many times on the bus, but have never walked there. It was a perfect day for a walk.
The Beach A hill to Climb
Although the sun was out, you can see that there is a haze on the water.
Across the Golf Course Up the Hill
Another first: Me outside to get a picture with no coat and no hat and no scarf and no gloves. I have them, but I took them off for the picture.
Me, no coat Thank Goodness for the Bench
Some pretty coast line in Findocty.
Peaceful Inlet Nice rocks
Fishernen’s Hall Salt Water Swimming Pool
It was a nice walk of about 2 miles. We took the bus home.
See you next time.
Glad ;you’re getting some warmer weather before you have to come home. And loved Brother Baxter.